
Brainsbuilder subscriptions are managed automatically. You are automatically re-directed to the payments page when you need to update your payment status. This happens when you log into your account. You will receive an email your account storage quota is approaching it's limit.

It is recommended that you log into your account regularly an check your assessment results to ensure that your account does not go over your desired limit.

Please note that accounts that are not brought up to date may have assessments temporally disabled until the account is brought up to date.

You can pay your monthly subscription via credit/debit card or PayPal, a division of Ebay. PayPal lets you send money to anyone with email. PayPal is free for consumers. Please visit for more information about PayPal.

Cancelling Your Subscription and Refunds

You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will be cancelled immediately. You will be changed for a full month. You can restart your subscription at any time. All of your data will remain intact for at least 1 year.

Subscription fees are non-refundable; except that you may cancel renewed subscription by contacting Brainsbuilder within two (2) calendar days after renewal date and receive a full refund of the new subscription fees. Other refunds are given at Brainsbuilder discretion.