We have recently revamped the private publishing feature on Brainsbuilder. We’ve made it easier to manage a large number of emails for private email publishing or logins / passwords for a private password publishing. The new interface is more consistant with the look and feel of the other Brainsbuilder features and is more intuitive. This … Continue reading Revamped Private Publishing
We’ve been very quiet on social media recently but we have been continually upgrading the Brainsbuilder platform. Over the past year or more we have added many features and improvements to Brainsbuilder. For example we have we have a new look web site. Please check out http://www.brainsbuilder.com and let us know what you think. We … Continue reading We’ve been quiet but we’ve been busy
We have recently introduced a major upgrade to Brainsbuilder to improve scoring for personality tests. We have added category scoring functionality to easily enable the creation of personality tests. This enable points to be added to a particular category that you create. Assessments can have multiple categories and feedback can be given depending on the … Continue reading New Brainsbuilder Features

We have been busily making improvements to Brainsbuilder over the past few months. Many minor bugs have been fixed and there have been many enhancements to existing functionality. We have also improved the publishing for private emails invites. We have allowed pause and resume and multiple retakes and the ability to block a person retaking … Continue reading Brainsbuilder Improvments

We have been listening to more of your feature request adding some more minor features to Brainsbuilder/TestBranch. We have added the ability to hide or display the finish link that is displayed at the end of the assessment depending on the if the person taking the assessment has passed or failed the assessment. Or the … Continue reading More New Features

We are busily working on a major to upgrade Brainsbuilder and TestBranch. This this current upgrade improve performance. It will will not not initially bring many new features but is the foundation to future new feature upgrades. It will introduce new technology to make new features and improvements easier. We will provide more information in … Continue reading Brainsubilder Upgrades

We have been listening to your feature requests and we are happy to say we’ve recently added some improvements to the site suggested by customers. Please continue to suggest new features and improvements – We are always listening. We have enabled the use of special characters with your account (or sub-account) password to help you … Continue reading Recent New Features

In this the second part of the tutorial series we will look at ‘key questions’ which are special type of login question. In the first part of the tutorial series we looked at ‘login sections’ and ‘login questions’. If you have not read the previous part we suggest that you read it before reading this as … Continue reading Tutorial Series: Key Questions

This is the first part in our tutorial series. In each part we will focus on a different feature or aspect of Brainsbuilder functionality. In this part we will look at ‘login sections’ and ‘login questions’ sometimes refereed to as ‘login fields’ and in the next part we will focus on a particular type login … Continue reading Tutorial Series: Login Sections

We have introduced a new FREE subscription which allows you to have 10 FREE respondents every month. This means that you can have 10 people taking your assessment for FREE. Happy days. https://www.brainsbuilder.com/pricing.html